Do you know if your audio cables pass the SOLCOR tests ?

Solcor quality tests

As we told you before, in our company each product goes through three rigorous quality filters to guarantee that when you go out to give the best of your talent, you have the support of the best wiring in all key points. But in addition to these quality tests that we will describe below, we […]

SOLCOR’s last name is… QUALITY!

Solcor Last name is quality

The best quality, to be exact. And it is not presumption, it is a fact supported by our super rating of defective levels to clients , which is less than 0.5%! At SOLCOR we work with standards governed by ISO 9001, which establishes the comprehensive quality system in the daily activities of a company, to […]

Solcor International continues expanding in USA!

New Texas dealers

We were part of the recent Dallas International Guitar Festival and just finished touring Texas, where we visited dealers, musicians, technicians & friends.We earned new business partners got more product orders and lots of new peopleare now interested in our audio lines!Thanks Texas!